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Does Pet Insurance Cover Euthanasia?

Written by
Graci Daby
Written by Graci Daby Author

Graci Daby graduated from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in Journalism. She has written for 365 Pet insurance, and edited pet insurance categories across other Insurance focused sites, including MarketWatch. Recently, Graci has been working as an SEO analyst and editor in the pet field for the past 2 years. In her spare time, Graci looks after her fur babies.

12/21/2023 12:41 PM

Even if we know our pets won’t live forever, we somehow think they will and don’t even consider the possibility of losing them until it actually happens or is about to happen. Losing our beloved pet can be devastating because many pet owners consider their pet as part of the family. As much as we try to avoid it, our pets leave us at one time or another. In many cases, their death is compounded with expensive vet bills. Pet insurance may help with the cost of euthanasia or other death-related veterinarian expenses.

When a Pet Dies

While some may say that losing a pet is nothing like losing a family member, pet owners often disagree. The one thing they both have in common is that survivors must go through a grief process. Whether it’s an accidental death or the dog is terminally ill, the grief and sadness are the same. It comes down to finding a way to accept it.

Losing a pet can be difficult enough for adults who’ve come to love the pet and consider them as part of the family, but it can be sad and even confusing to children who are not yet old enough to understand death. If pet owners know the pet is dying, they have the opportunity to prepare for the death and make the pet as comfortable as possible.

If euthanasia is an option, the pet owner has the chance to decide when and where the animal is put down. They can choose to have the procedure performed at the vet’s office or in their home where the animal is comfortable. Allowing the dog to spend its last days, hours or minutes at home surrounded by loved ones and its favorite toy or bedding is often very relaxing for the pet. It can also make it easier on family members.

What is Euthanasia?

Euthanasia is the process of terminating the pet’s life in a way that is humane and comfortable for the dog or pet. It’s often the method of choice if a pet is suffering from a terminal illness and no longer able to enjoy a good quality of life. The choice to euthanize a family pet can be difficult, but it’s often the best choice because it’s quick and painless for the animal.

Euthanasia can take place at home, at a veterinary clinic or in a pet hospital. Owners can also choose if they want to be absent for the procedure or if they want to be with the animal to the very end. Some owners pay the vet to come to their home to do the procedure, so the animal is in a familiar environment.

The procedure is relatively fast. The vet will administer a tranquilizer to relax and calm the animal. The animal will quickly become very tired and almost appear as though it is sleeping with its eyes open. This is followed with a legal injection that makes them unconscious and stops the brain functions. The pet does not suffer from any pain or discomfort.

When the procedure is done, owners can decide what they want to do with the remains. Some choose to bury it at home; some choose to have the animal cremated, and others leave it up to the veterinarian to take care of the remains. It’s all a matter of personal choice.

Estimated Cost of Euthanasia and Related Expenses

If losing a family pet isn’t hard enough, having to go home with a large vet bill and no pet can be enough harder. Veterinary care is not cheap, especially when there are certain procedures that need to be performed. Depending on the circumstances of the animal’s death, euthanasia can be very expensive. In addition to the cost of euthanasia, which includes the sedative, tranquilizers and office visit, pet owners may also have the added cost of burial or cremation.

The cost of the actual euthanasia can be anywhere from $50 to $300 or more because the price will vary from vet to vet. Bringing the dog to the vet’s office may be less expensive, but you’ll still pay from $50 or more just for the office visit. If the vet travels to your home to perform the euthanasia, you can expect to pay from $85 to $125 plus whatever the vet may charge for mileage.

If you choose to have the dog cremated, this can add another $80 to $100 to the euthanasia fee. If you have a local humane society in your area, this might be another option because they’ll often do the procedure for less than you’d have to pay a vet. Not everyone takes their pets to the vet for annual checkups.

If the vet before has not seen your pet, you’ll also have to pay for a wellness check because vets are required to examine an animal prior to performing euthanasia. In summary, the total cost of euthanasia can be $500 or more when you add in the vet visit, euthanasia and cremation. If the sick was sick prior to its death, you may also have additional vet bills to consider.

Plans that Cover End of Life Expenses

Fortunately, some pet insurance companies pay for euthanasia and similar end-of-life costs. Some pet insurance companies will also pay out if your dog dies but will only pay the amount you paid for the dog or its current market value. Some will pay for euthanasia but not cremation; will pay for both, and some will pay a portion, and the pet owner pays the balance.

Pet owners are advised to compare pet insurance companies to learn which ones cover these expenses, which ones don’t cover it and how much each one covers. Here is a list of some of the most popular pet insurance companies, which ones will pay for end-of-life expenses and to what extent they’ll pay. In most cases, pet owners will need to pay copayments or deductibles.

  • Healthy Paws They pay for euthanasia if it’s due to a covered expense but will not pay for burial or cremation.
  • ASPCA – They offer discounted rates for euthanasia for low-income pet owners.
  • Pets Best – They pay for euthanasia but not cremation or burial.
  • Embrace – They pay for euthanasia if necessary for humane reasons.
  • Nationwide –  They pay for euthanasia if medically necessary.
  • Trupanion –  They pay for euthanasia but not burial or cremation.
  • FIGO –  They pay for euthanasia but not burial or cremation.